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Original Article
Late Hemorrhagic Disease of Infancy.
Kwang Wook Ahn, Chull Zoo Jung, Hyo Seop Ju, Seung Woo Moon
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(6):679-683.   Published online June 30, 1986
Late hemorrhagic disease of infant is a hemorrhagic disease due to prothrombin complex deficiency from 1 week to 1 year of age. It is hypothesized that the bleeding occurring may have resulted from the simultaneous occurrence of two or three of the following factors: (1) interference with the intestinal production of vit K as a result of Antibiotic Agents, (2)...
Case Report
A Case of Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
Kwang Wook An, Chull Zoo Jung, Hyo Seop Joo, Seung Woo Moon
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(1):84-87.   Published online January 31, 1986
Osteogenesis imperfecta is an inherited disorders of connective tissue that affects the skeleton, ligament, sclera, and dentin. Characterized clinical manifestation are multiplefracture, blue sclera, deafness, joint laxity, thin skin, and odontogenesis imperfecta. We experienced acase of osteogenesis imperfecta in a one day old male newborn who chiefly complain respiratory distress, triangular shaped head and fracture and deformity of lower extremity....
A case of perinephric abscess with perinephrobronchial fistula.
Ji Yoon Chung, Seung Woo Moon, So Kyung Park, Dong Hak Shin
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(9):963-966.   Published online September 30, 1982
Perinephric abscess is an accumulation of pus in the perinephric space, an area anatomically defined between kidney and Gerota’s fascia. The abscess is usually confined to an the anatomic boundaries of Gerota*s fascia but may extend in several directions. Rarely perinephrobronchial fistula may occur. We have experienced a case of right perinephic abscess with perinephrobronchial fistula in 2-year-old boy who had renal dysplasia and ureterocele on...
Original Article
Clinical and Statistical Observation for Low Birth Weight Infants.
Sung Ho Chun, Seung Woo Moon, So Kyung Park, Jung Ju Kim, Dong Hag Shin
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(5):429-435.   Published online May 31, 1982
We made clinical and statistical observation of low birth weight infants who were delivered at Keimyung University hospital during the 2 years and 4 months period from March, 1979 through July, 1981. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The sex ratio for live birth infants, male to female, was 1.28:1, and low-birth-weight infants was 0.96:1. The incidence of low...
Case Report
There cases of Hereditary Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia.
Seung Woo Moon, Seung Koo Park, Jung Ju Kim, Dong Hak Shin, Sang Suk Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(1):80-88.   Published online January 31, 1982
Hereditary anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is a rare hereditary condition in which certain structures derived from the ectoderm are undeveloped or underdeveloped, although, on a rarity, mesodermal or endodermal derivatives may be associated. Recently, we enperienced 3-cases of anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in 3 months male infant and in brothers aged 4(1/2) months and 22 months. They had abscence of sweating, hypotrichosis...
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